Over on this website I discovered a while back called “Face Book” I was nominated to post my favourite seven books, a book a day. I’ve enjoyed it so much I’ve decided to IMMORTALISE IT here on THIS, my WORLD FAMOUS BLOG.

So my favourite seven books, one book a day. I’ll start with the most predictable: Douglas Adams’ Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy. Douglas Adams’ perspective on the universe was that reality is absurd and mostly inconceivable, random circumstance holds more sway over the course of events than grand planning and that sapience does not equate to importance. He isn’t, however, inhumane, and gives a great deal of affectionate attention to the perspective of individuals and the human condition. We are all Arthur Dent; far more likely at any one point to be saying, “oh what the hell now?” than, “ah yes this all makes sense”, and Hitchhikers went a long way toward helping me come to peace with the pervasive perplexity of living in a universe far too vast and complex to ever comprehend.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, A Trilogy in Five Parts – Douglas Adams


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